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The figure on the left shows the level curves for f(x,y) = 64 - x2 - 2y2.  The level curves correspond to c = 0 (red), c = 8 (green), c = 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, c = 63 (yellow), and c = 63.9 (black).  Click on the figure to see an animation.  In the animation you will see a level curve in red changing as you move "up" the surface, i.e., as z = c increases.  You will also see an animated point and vector in black moving with the animated red level curve.  The length of this black vector gives the relative speed at which the black point on the animated red level curve is moving along the x-axis.  One can observe that the speed of the black point is increasing as c increases.  One can also observe that the distance between the level curves is increasing as c increases when the change in c is constant (as it is from red to orange).  This indicates that the surface is becoming less "steep".  In fact at the origin we are directly under a relative maximum point where the tangent plane would be horizontal.  Click here to see an animation with c going from 32 to 64 with a step size of 4 and click here to see an animation with c going from 48 to 64 with a step size of 2.

Here is a graph with animated (moving) points showing the four position functions demonstrated in class using the TI graphing calculator viewscreen.  The functions are given below with t going from 0 to 1.  Each point has a different color tangent vector (not velocity vector) attached to it.  See if you can match each color to the functions given below.

xt1 = -2 + 4t,     yt1 = (-2 + 4t)2

xt2 = -2 + 4(sin(pi*t/2))     yt2 = (-2 + 4(sin(pi*t/2)))2

xt3 = -2 + 4(tan(pi*t/2))     yt3 = (-2 + 4(tan(pi*t/2)))2

xt4 = (-2 + 4t)3     yt4 = (-2 + 4t)6


For a variation on the animation at the left click here to see the graphs of  r1(t) = < t , t2 >  and  r2(t) = < sin(pi*t/2) , (sin(pi*t/2))2 > over the t interval [-1,1].  r1(t) will include a velocity vector in green and r2(t) will include a velocity vector in redClick here to see the same animation over a t interval of [-2,2].
Here is my own animation  of projectile motion neglecting air resistance with an initial velocity of 100 ft/sec, initial height of 20 ft, and launch angle of 45o.  The figure on the right shows paths with launch angles of 30o (red), 45o (green), and 60o, (blue), each with initial velocity of 100 ft/sec and initial height of zero ft.  Click on the picture to see animated points move along each path simultaneously.
Click on each vector valued function below to see its graph and an animation showing the changing velocity vectors (green) and acceleration vectors (red).  The numbers inside the brackets indicate the t interval for the graph.

r(t) = < t , t2 >    [-2,2]

r(t) = < t , t3/3 - t >    [-2,2]

r(t) = < 3cos(t) , 2sin(t) >    [0,2pi]

r(t) = < t3 , 2sin(t) >    [-2pi,2pi]

r(t) = < tsin(t) , tcos(t) >    [0,6pi]

r(t) = < 3sin(t) , 3cos(t) , t >    [0,2pi]     Click here to see it spin as well.

r(t) = < t2 , et , ln(t + 1) >    [0.2]     Click here to see it spin as well.

r(t) = < t2 , 2sin(t) + cos(t) >     [-2pi,2pi]

r(t) = < t3 , 2sin(t) + cos(t) >     [-2pi,2pi]

r(t) = < t3 , 2sin(t) + cos(t) >     [-4pi,4pi]


r(t) = < t , sin(t) , t2 >   [0,2pi]  (includes N in magenta)

Click here to see it spin as well.

The figure below shows the velocity vectors (green) and acceleration vectors (red) at t = -1, t = 0, and t = 1 along the path described by the vector valued function r(t) = <t,4-t2>.  Click on the picture to see an animation that will also include the principal unit normal vector N (magenta).


Neglecting air resistance, if we shoot a ball at another ball falling straight down from above and in front of us, we will hit the falling ball if our aim is such that we are pointing directly at the falling ball at the moment it is dropped and we shoot immediately.  Click here or the small icon on the right to see my animation with the shooter 200 feet downrange, the initial height of the ball 150 feet, and initial velocities (actually speeds) of 88, 100, 112, 125, 150, 175, and 250 ft/sec.
The picture on the right shows part of the graph of f(x,y) = 9 - x2 - y2 and the plane tangent to the surface at (1,1,7).  Be able to determine the equation of this tangent plane.  Click on the picture to see an animation.
Here is an animation to introduce the concept of the Riemann Sum as applied to double integrals.  Click on the picture on the right to see an animation.
Set up an iterated triple integral to model the volume of the region of space bounded by the graphs of z=x2+2y2, z=2, and z=8.  Approximate this volume.  See the graph on the right.  Click on the picture to see an animation.  Click here to see an animation of y2 + z2 = 1/(s*x2+1) with s varying from 0 to 1.  State the name of the surface that results when s=0 and determine (show why) whether or not s=1 yields the graph of a unit sphere centered at the origin.
The picture on the left below gives the circle of curvature at the point (0,0) on the graph of the parabola whose equation is y = x2.  The other two pictures show the circle of curvature at the point (1,1) on the graph of the same parabola.  Click here for an animation of many of the circles of curvature for this parabola and click here for the same animation but also showing the changing radius of curvature.
Find the function of t that would give the curvature along the sine wave described by the position function r(t) = <t , sin(t)>.  Click here to see an animation over the interval [0,2pi] and click here to see an animation over the interval [0,4pi].  Click here to see a slower animation (more circles) over [0,2pi] that also includes the changing radius of curvature.  This animation may take a while to load.

Roller Coaster Problem

The position function r(t) = < 10sin(2t) , 10cos(2t) , 3t >, t going from 0 to 4pi, describes the motion of a roller coaster car along a spiral track at an amusement park.  The mass of the roller coaster car is 400kg, distance is in meters, and time in seconds.  Find the force along N required to keep the roller coaster car on its path.

In the problem pictured below, determine the values for x and y that will minimize total construction costs.  The idea is to lay pipe from point P to Point Q.  It costs 3 million dollars per mile to lay the pipe through the blue area, 2 million dollars per mile to lay the pipe through the green area, and 1 million dollars per mile to lay the pipe along the boundary between the green area and the brown area.  Consider the colored regions to be rectangles, x to represent the horizontal distance for the pipe in the blue region and y to be the horizontal distance for the pipe in the green region.  The blue region and the green region are each 1 mile wide and the horizontal distance from P to Q is 5 miles.  You must thoroughly investigate the costs on the boundary of the region over which you would be applying the cost function.  Click on the picture at the right to see an animation of some of the possible paths.
Click here to go to two multivariable calculus optimization examples with graphs.
At time t = 0 one plane is directly above a second plane at an altitude of 1 mile.  The second plane is at an altitude of 1/2 mile.  The first plane is flying along a somewhat elliptical path described by r(t) = < 4 - 4cos(t) , 3sin(t) , 1 + t/(2pi) > and the second plane is flying along a hyperbolic path described by r(t) = < (8/31/2)tan(t/3) , 0 , -1/2 + sec(t/3) >.  These do represent the actual position functions for the airplanes with distance in miles and time in minutes.  In how many minutes after t = 0 will the planes collide?  Approximate the distance between the planes and the rate of change of the distance between the planes 30 seconds before they collide.  Approximate the rate of change of the distance between the planes at the instant just before they collide.

Animation with scales

Animation without scales

Animation without scales and with rotation

Lawn Sprinkler

Here is an example of the lawn sprinkler problem found in the exercises for Section 3.1.  In this example the speed of the water is 16 ft/sec so the distance the water travels horizontally is given by


and the path the water takes through the air is given by


Click here to see an animation for this problem and click here for an animation with scales.  Can you see the answer to the questions posed in the text and can you support your answer analytically?  For more information on the "calculus of lawn sprinklers" see the article "Design of an Oscillating Sprinkler" by Bart Braden in Mathematics Magazine.  You can view the article at

Here are three little animations depicting projectile motion with air resistance taken as proportional to velocity, i.e., R = kv.  In each animation the initial height is 0 and the initial velocity is 100 ft/sec.  In the first animation the launch angle is 45o and you will see the path of the projectile in blue with air resistance taken to be 0 and the changing path of the projectile in red as air resistance varies in value from 0.02 to 0.27.  In the second animation you will see the changing path of the projectile in blue with air resistance taken to be 0 and the changing path of the projectile in red as air resistance is taken to be 0.16.  The path changes will be due to the launch angle varying from 30o to 45o.  Notice that without air resistance the range of the projectile continues to increase all the way up to a launch angle of 45o but with air resistance the range of the projectile reaches a maximum before the launch angle reaches 45o and then decreases.  To see this more clearly look at the third animation in which the fixed path in blue corresponds to a launch angle of 45o with air resistance set at 0.16 and initial velocity 100 ft/sec. and the variable path in red corresponds to the same initial velocity and air resistance but with the launch angle varying from 30o to 45o.  You will see the range of the path shown in red creep past that in blue before the launch angle value reaches 45o.
Ferris Wheel Problem

A circular Ferris wheel has a radius of 20 feet.  The center of the Ferris wheel is 26 feet above the ground.  There is one hanging seat hooked up and this seat always hangs straight down 4 feet from a point on the circumference of the Ferris wheel.  When running the Ferris wheel makes one revolution every 20 seconds and turns counterclockwise.  Construct a position function for the point at the bottom of the hanging seat (the point always 4 feet directly below a point on the circumference of the Ferris wheel).  In doing this assume the Ferris wheel reaches full speed in less than 1/4 revolution and model your position function such that the point on the circumference of the Ferris wheel directly above the hanging seat is at three o'clock at time t = 0.  From your position function find a velocity function for the point on the bottom of the hanging seat.  With the Ferris wheel at full speed, find the magnitude of the velocity of the point on the bottom of the hanging seat 5/3 seconds after it reaches its lowest point.  What is its lowest point?  Click here to see an animation.

A projectile is launched at an angle of 45o with the horizontal and with an initial velocity of 64 feet per second.  A television camera is located in the plane of the path of the projectile 50 feet behind the launch site.

Parametric equations for the path of the projectile in terms of the parameter t representing time are

The graph in red below represents the path of the projectile and the blue point moving along the graph in red represents the projectile.  The length of the vertical blue line segment at x = -50 represents the measure of angle a (the angle the camera makes with the horizontal) in degrees

animation of the projectile motion and changing angle a

The angle a that the camera makes with the horizontal is given by

Below is a graph of the measure of angle a in degrees as a function of time (t).

Notice that a is not a maximum at the same time that y is a maximum.

Animation For Section 11.3, Example 6

The solution can be found in your textbook.  Click on the picture at the right to see the animation.  Quicktime Animation    Quicktime Animation Extended


Section 11.3 #36







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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

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